Leadership and Strategic Management

It is only by comprehending the roles and behaviors of top executives that we will be able to improve our understanding of why organizations do the things they do, or why they perform in the way they do. The motives and biases of corporate leaders enter into their actions, in ways that greatly shape company strategy and performance. However, it is not sufficient to know the disposition and preferences of chief executives alone; instead, we need to pay attention to entire constellations of top executives, or top management teams, in order to advance our knowledge of why some companies outperform others. The management of a firm is inevitably a shared responsibility; therefore, the composition, processes, and incentives of top management teams make a difference to company outcomes.
This course provides a comprehensive, in-depth examination of top management teams. the Course will be an invaluable resource for practitioners who are intent on improving their understanding of the human factor in company strategy and effectiveness.

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